
Archangel Michael & Angel Channeling for Summer Solstice

Zoe Davenport
5 min readJun 18, 2017

Dear sweet children of light it is I Arch Angel Michael — Feel my love now dear ones, feel all our love as we angels are working with you at this time to help clear, transmute and release more of what you are not.

YOU are not your sorrows

YOU are not your pain

YOU are not your suffering

YOU are not your shame

YOU are not your guilt

YOU are not your envy

YOU are not your thoughts

Sweet children you are love, you are loved and you are so needed at this time to remember and bring all back into your hearts now, bring the love, call into your being that which you need as you navigate your way though the human experience, the human emotions, the human traits to keep you feeling stuck.

We are here sweet children, we are here for you now to help transmute all into the light, all into more of what you truly are and truly need a this time — so take the love that you need from the abundance all around you,

There is love in the trees, love in the mountains, love in the animals, your pets the wildlife, the flowers, the sky, the clouds, the ocean of great spirit, the earth elders, those earth angels that come into your life to support and love you unconditionally at this time.

Sweet children of light — there is love all around you — feel this love now breathe it into your hearts as you start you new day in grounding peace and release that all is all.

Breathe breathe love and breathe to be still to be calm to feel rested and grounded as all else comes up for release.

This solstice is a time of great reflection and release to re-set re-balance the purpose of your paths and allow for more alignment to flow through as you set yourselves to a daily heart opening and grounding exercise.

This is a time to go within to let go of the stories, the guilt, the blame, the judgments, the fears, the worries, the expectations.

This is a time to truly allow yourself to embody the light of who you truly are, the embody the love of who your truly are and rise above the lower vibrations of non-supporting experiences.

Ask yourselves this month, how can I be supported?, how do I need to be supported? and ask sweet lights ask for how we can assist your in your love at this time. ask for what healing you need ask for what you can do to release and shed even more as you move into the 2nd phase of the accelerated 2017 awakening.

There is no rush sweet lights there is no rush to be feeling in fear that time has run out for your — remember you always have enough of Now for there is always NOW

So ask for what you need in the NOW the grounding , the energy clearing the peace and support and we angels will gladly surround you in loving light as you seek the comfort and rest in your own hearts.


Gift and receive love this month — send blessings to all in your life, send blessings to all you see to and gift yourself blessings of love and ask us to shower you with abundant love and light to keep expanding your vibration.

There is always freedom found in the release of no longer needing to struggle your way through — there is no struggle only love love love love and more love

The love you seek so deeply in others is aways found whine your own being so dear sweet lights allow yourselves this solstice to truly feel the energetic abundance of love as the star gates open to higher potential and higher purpose as all you seek to radiate is opened within your hearts .

Imagine yourselves as pure abundant gold beings of light, and you will attract this vibration to your being, imagine your hearts and expanded and glowing as the infant love from the sun and you will step into this expansion with grace and ease.

Allow yourself to let go know of the first part of the year as the sun rises to a new day it is also setting in another part pf physical reality — remember there is no lighter without dark so allow yourselves to say good night to all that you have been through in this tear already with gratitude and allow yourselves to open to the potential of the new energetic day that is opening before you now.

Ask for more sweet lights — you are not alone in your experiences we are here right beside you loving you supporting you and guiding to soft towards your hearts.

You are so loved sweet lights breathe our love into your hearts now and allow your selves to let go of hat was and step into the expanded unknown potential — as you embrace more love you hold the space to gift and receive more.

You are all so dearly loved — let go of what was and step into what is here for you now.

Archangel Michael & the Angels of light.

All my love

Zoe Davenport
Crystalline Grid Activator & Ascension Guide

June special — 50% off 1:1 private sessions Crystalline Activation Alignment.

Zoe Davenport is a channel, master ascension guide and crystalline grid activator. Her multi-dimensional connection helps to expand her vibration to support those on the ascension path.

Your current reality holds the potential vibration for you to ascend into ascension mastery. Zoe assists you to master your pure creative potential by guiding you through your ascension awakening in order to gain access to all that you set out to achieve in this incarnation.
Every aspect of her work is dedicated to help you achieve an accelerated ascension timeline by accessing your creative potential of Ascension Mastery through heart opening — healing and shedding lifetimes of stagnation. You will align with abundance; abundance of Love, connection, collaboration, co-creation, harmony, success, happiness, peace and the desire to step forward into the new paradigm.

Zoe has been called to work with the paradigm game changers of existence right now — to hold the space needed for those called to step up and become the way showers paving the way for mass global awakening through breaking free for their perceived limitations and karmic moulds.



Zoe Davenport

Zoe Davenport is a Speaker, Writer, Coach, Divine Oracle and Modern mystic dedicated to being a catalyst to connecting others to their highest potential