Have you remembered your Atlantis Crystal Codes?
***Channelled by the Crystal & Mineral collective***
For those souls that have a resonance with Atlantis, It will be time now to activate these codes within your cellular memory. To Clear and transmute the collective guilt carried and to gift all to the light. It’s time to journey down the passageway of memory and unlock the crystalline frequency of advanced crystalline codes. These codes are collective, transmuted, sacred geometric patterning, spirals of crystalline light, diamond rays, gammer rays, soul flare rays, minerals of photonic light particles of thought form, and feeling form. They are the fabric of time — space — reality and the equation of creative potential through the light, through the heart and through the previous energetic experiences of your soul. Deep within your core you hold a multitude of codings which were set to activate at certain geometric points in the perceived linear reality of physical form. It’s open now, the gateway to these activations and they will awaken you to the past lives of Atlantis. The collective human experience choose to forget the traumas of abuse carried out by the elders of collective power and now is the time many of those beings have released their egos to the light for release and solution. The divine creator within your being has called upon our support at this time to help guide you through the energetic advancements of the Atlantis Crystal Codes and the exploration and how they can be used in this physical time — space is of the observers free will and creative purpose.
It’s the start for connecting in with the mineral kingdom and many of the minerals laid dormant in energetic vibration till humanity had evolved enough to utilise the potentials of collaborations for the good of all. As the gatekeepers of such information we hold the entire collective cellular memories within our mineral and esoteric structures and activating these codes will gift you access to pieces of your soul you are still awaiting to return in the fullness of your expanded being. During the times of Atlantis and collective manifestations many technological advancements were made through the combined energetics of mineral, light codes and intentions. These combinations lead to instant manifestations, levitations to build, collective creation through the dimensional processed and bought to Earth — Physical realms to explore. Gaia was the Earth — the grounding tool in which to bring all of the advance Alien fluid light codes to the experience and many were working in light thought forms to accelerate the potential learning process before shifting back to human density.
This is part of the ascension — as you experience your body turning to a crystalline structure from carbon you shall too have out of body experiences, instant manifestation through aligned thought forms and call in the fluid potential of light to physical experiences.
These Atlantis Crystal Codes are set to awaken those that created this within their blue prints and it will unlock many hidden truths behind your souls’ path. It’s the awakening of Atlantis and honouring this aspect of your soul’s evolutionary journey without the limitations of guilt and collective fear.
You will gain access to the crystal chambers of light which still exist from the ascended crystal masters in Atlantis and have shifted to a higher dimension.
This is the time now as we are begin to download more of the tones to trigger a higher awakening of the unity heart consciousness and begin again to awaken the deep connection between human physical form and the mineral kingdom — As the crystal collective entity we are willing and excited to begin our journeys together once more and as you observer are able to clear through the karmic blue prints much more and the tools and technologies of the Atlantis Era can and will be downloaded. We invite you to step outside the “box” as you say and flow into another perspective — utilising all past, present and future versions of your being to activate cellular memory of the crystalline mathematical equations.
It’s simplified through stepping into your knowing — by daring to peak into your being as more than flesh and blood, as more than emotional connection, as more than grief — fear or pain. When you step outside and see beyond you will see your self as energy — fluid light and crystalline. The dimensional memories of your collective evolution of Atlantis can be accessed through lifting this denser vales and feeling the symbology of your human experience integrate into your field.
WE as the collective Crystal Mineral Kingdom are honoured to share the advancements — which is utilising dimensional integration, what we mean by this is by the remembrance of your Atlantis experience you will remember what you were creating as a collective, as a individual and bring forth these potentials once more into the Here and NOW.
It would be best to see this as playtime with tones, light and frequency. Seeing back through the vales — removing the concepts of time there is still a piece of YOU having your Atlantis journey in the HERE and NOW. Using our physical forms or crystals to truly amplify and ascend any on your unity heart creative projects and continue calling upon these codes. Tune into your hearts right now and allow us to demonstrate to you Atlantis is still there, your new golden creative dimension was experienced and your ability to love unconditionally through the perceived third dimensional chaos is always of your choosing. This is a feeling experience now to ascend and live multi-dimensionally and the more you explore your ascending thought forms and utilise the power and the mineral kingdom, the more you will release the collective karma. See through with your eye dear ones and see you already created your abundant reality. It’s all HERE for you now.
“Su su ku na pu pah nu nu ku se 1111 sah ju fu key nu fur 444 sah nu ka 888 tu nu far pah 999 su neu ku pah”
The collective crystals skulls and mineral kingdom
All my love
Zoe Davenport
New Paradigm Consultant & Crystalline Grid Activator
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If you would like further support in accessing these codes I have been called to put together a two part Cellular memory clearing and crystalline DNA activation