Knowing when it’s time to let go
Not everyone gets to accompany you on your journey when you’re making changes in your life. That’s perfectly okay, especially when we take the time to create space for overall growth and improvement. It becomes evident who truly supports and uplifts you, and who might inadvertently keep you entangled in cycles of drama, karma, and fear.
The tricky part often lies in our tendency to believe that these challenges are an integral part of our learning and personal development…
You have the power to decide how you want to engage with others. There’s a clear distinction between those who take ownership of their actions and those who tend to complicate matters unnecessarily.
Contrary to popular belief, our purpose isn’t to reenact unresolved family issues with one another. We’re here to support one another in our quest for personal growth and transformation, standing in our divine sovereignty and being open to constructive feedback when necessary.
Our purpose is to come together, create, build, and uplift one another. As you make these changes, you’ll notice that energy follows where your attention goes, and the momentum that builds will propel you to your next level of evolution. It then becomes apparent what you no longer wish to participate in. Sometimes, it may feel like tough love because our empathetic nature tends to lean towards people-pleasing, but in the long run, it can be detrimental to us.
To fully embrace your creative expression of the divine, you must allow your “cells” to align with the frequency of solutions. You must tap into the quantum field of possibilities and reverse-engineer your path to take inspired action. “Inspiration” means being in tune with your inner spirit.
Keep connecting, turning inward, and asking yourself: What am I passionate about? What do I hunger for? Am I creating the necessary space for that in my life?
Change isn’t easy. It’s not easy to distance ourselves from certain people, places, and things. It can be unsettling to the ego, disorienting because the unknown hasn’t fully revealed itself, and resistant, bringing up blocks and limitations that make us question our direction. However, it’s harder to remain stuck, to not try, to not give it your all, and to live a life dictated by others’ expectations.
Remaining in a small, limited perspective and allowing reality to reflect those limitations is the real challenge.
When I transitioned from catering and hospitality to study massage therapy, even my closest friends laughed at me. People I believed loved and supported me…
Had I heeded their expectations and doubts, I would never have set foot in that training room. I would never have dedicated years of my life to mastering holistic therapies, which in turn catalyzed a profound healing journey for my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
When I decided to leave massage therapy and build an online business to gain location independence and travel, people once again shared their limited perspectives and tried to impose their fears and doubts on me.
No one else can fully comprehend your path or see the truth you hold within, even when it hasn’t materialized in the physical world, and you’re unsure of the steps or the destination.
You are the guide of your life’s journey. You decide how you show up for yourself and others. You choose when it’s time for a shift, and you’re the one to take massive action. You owe no one an explanation. Sometimes, it’s okay to go silent, withdraw, and take time and space for your growth, learning, evolution, creation, and inspiration to flow through you, expanding your self-awareness along your highest possible timeline and creative expression.
It’s perfectly acceptable to let go of people, places, and things. Send love, feel gratitude, and continue on your journey.
If I had listened to others, I’d still be working 80-hour weeks in catering for someone else. I’d never have discovered my spiritual gifts or spent the last 14 years in continuous study, growth, and evolution.
If I had heeded their advice, I’d never have transitioned from massage therapy to an online presence. I’d never have run live programs, offered mentorship, or appeared on radio shows and podcasts.
I listened to the truth deep within me. I could feel profound shifts at the cellular level, and by patiently tuning in daily to what would support these changes, I’ve witnessed tremendous transformation.
So take that leap of faith, listen to your inner knowing, hold your plans close, and pay attention to what’s shifting out of your life to make room for the incredible journey ahead.
We thank our past selves for their brave steps, appreciate the people, places, and experiences that resonated with that version of ourselves, and eagerly take a giant step into the unknown, guided by our hearts.
And so it is.
Zoe Davenport
Speaker, Writer, Spiritual Mentor and Multi-Dimensional Channel