
Receive to give, give to receive

Zoe Davenport
5 min readFeb 4, 2019

In order to understand your divine creative potential, you must first understand the untapped energy of the Universe, the overflowing expanding version of reality that is always Universally supporting your creative desires, soul’s intentions and higher self dimension.

It’s about connection back to all parts of you and not only understanding but embodying fully you are source energy.

As you learn to let go and receive yourself in multiple formations, creations, and light you also gift yourself.

Think of your being like a hug — as you give a hug you receive a hug, as you receive a hug you give a hug.

This is the same as your connection to source.

You are not separate and as you learn to receive yourself as source, giving yourself a Universal hug you also get to embrace the receiving of that divine embrace.

It’s always expanding for you the more you embrace these concepts and own them as your truth.

So as you desire in your reality, as you wish to ground in certain experiences for your human joy you must first understand there is no separation between who you are, who you want to be and the joys of the experience to get there.

It is Universal law that you cannot give without receiving so as the old emotions start to surface, all the times before you felt separate from source, your desires, your potential and the physical manifestation of your imagination, it was only down to a disconnection from your truth.

Your truth being you are source energy

Your truth being you are an infinity expanding through source energy

Your truth being as you begin to separate from source is only when it pulled you out of alignment to receive your hug.

Feeling disconnected was then the illusion you had to keep giving much more than you would allow yourself to receive.

That the rewards of giving were unbalanced to receiving.

This was a conditioned belief imprinted to help keep you in illusion that you were separate, that the reality of your choosing was the reality where by hard work, limitations, where the focal points of focussed source energy.

But as you come back to your awareness of divine connection to source you can start to see the flaws and cracks of the old paradigm.

The crumbling matrix system can indeed make you feel ungrounded but only for a moment to remind you that you have the potential as source energy to create from a place that honors your connection to receive and give or to give and receive as an equal if not infinitely expanding measure.

The illusions imprinted upon your consciousness were only the stories of a few and as you work through your energy field the cracks, flaws and limitations will begin to surface for you to recognise and come back to resonance with your own truth.

The truth being you a divine inspiration of source energy, you are always creating new and expanding parallel realities based upon your desires of this moment and based upon your ability to receive.

You are learning to become a master of your own creation — individually expressed from source but not separated to the connection and receiving wh you are as source creating through your heart-based desires.

Eventually as more awaken on your planet the desires of all will always include the divine harmony of giving and receiving.

And knowing it is always a pleasure to receive more than enough because you embody you can be more than enough.

That you are more than enough

And reality is always bending and expanding to mirror to you, you are more than enough.

You are more than enough to receive

You are more than enough to give

You are more than enough to align to all you know deep down what you came here to experience and share.

You do not have to choose between your soul growth, the evolution of your being and your desire to feel fulfilled in your human capacity.

You do not have to choose between living a “spiritually awakened life” and having money in your bank account, job opportunities or taking more time off from “working” hard than you could ever imagine.

Your ability to receive is only in your ability to know you are more than enough.

To deconstruct the programs and illusions that are not your own.

That were stories, separations of truth designed to have you re-creating a reality that was not for your highest good or the collective good of all.

Designed to have you trapped in working to live, not living to work, consistently re-creating the consumer game, the separation game and disconnect to the Universal laws of existence.

That YOU are an expression of source energy, and as you expand this truth it affects all areas of your life not just your spiritual path, but your financial abundance, your health, your relationships, your family, your creative expression and your ability to manifest the outcomes of your desires.

To reconnect to your own truth and your truth being you are a divine being of source creation.

Your answers to this understanding cannot be found in the trappings and illusions that created your separation.

You must first look to expand your awareness beyond the story, beyond the time and space of where you currently reside and to seek awareness through the gift of your heart.

You unlock these codes through calling upon your being more light, more awareness and more love into your life.

Through letting go of the old constructs that for any reason you had to wait to feel the truth of your abundance and connection as source energy.

I am source energy

I am a divine creator of infinite possibilities

I am always expanded in my truth and connection as source energy

I am the Universal laws and truth of existence

I am the creative expression of my soul’s desire

I am breaking through the illusions of separation

I am never separated from source

You are always loved

(This is a sneak peak into a new book emerging from 2019 from Author Zoe Davenport, Speaker, Visionary Leader and Multi-Dimensional channel)

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Zoe Davenport

Zoe Davenport is a Speaker, Writer, Coach, Divine Oracle and Modern mystic dedicated to being a catalyst to connecting others to their highest potential